I want to let everyone know I will be taking a vacation starting November 20, and I will not return until December 7. This vacation will take me out of the country so I will have extremely limited access to the internet and no access to the server. I will not be responding to any threads or PMs until, at the very earliest, December 8.
While I fervently hope that the server’s router does not lock up or power does not get cut causing the physical machine that the server is on to restart while I am gone, if either happens it is a possible the server could end up going down for an extended period of time until I return on December 7. That would be a worst case scenario, which hopefully will not happen though.
During this time while I am gone, if you have a major or immediate problem that needs to be addressed, I'd advise you to just reach out to the first DM you think of.
While I fervently hope that the server’s router does not lock up or power does not get cut causing the physical machine that the server is on to restart while I am gone, if either happens it is a possible the server could end up going down for an extended period of time until I return on December 7. That would be a worst case scenario, which hopefully will not happen though.
During this time while I am gone, if you have a major or immediate problem that needs to be addressed, I'd advise you to just reach out to the first DM you think of.