Many a dungeon crawl begins with a tavern crawl...and if it doesn't, it should. This time-honored sword-and-sorcery staple can claim its origins in the Prancing Pony of Tolkien's works, and it has been a steady source of adventure hooks and barroom brawls ever since.
And I've noticed that this server's taverns are, sadly, underfrequented by adventuring folk.
My characters tend to haunt taverns here and there. When they come in to rest up and fill their guts on mead and pie, I often have them linger around for a bit, just to see who else comes wandering in. (Plus, Zelis has a massive Constitution, so I like to see how much booze she can put down and remain sober. Her record is 12 Winter Wines in a row, rapid fire. Top that!)
So for those times whenever your characters feel the need to chug Old One Eye, preach to random barflies about this-and-that deity or maybe punch a door and annoy the guards, which of Thay's many fine establishments is your watering hole of choice, and why?
(Note to self: Italics and poll questions don't mix! )
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan