Reminisces of Rimeth
" I had initially gone to the tournament to be an observer as my current account balance would not allow me to pay the entry fee of five thousand. I arrived at the fairgrounds and several were there already.
The Tharchioness Nymia Focar was there to preside, Neb'tha Badru was beside her and would be collecting the fees and holding the money.
Others present were people I knew and recently met. They were Shuri'dil that damnable drow, Daeris, a recent acquaintance Petra Galambos a follower of Waukeen, Lashul the mysterious elf, Hirt the ever helpful half orc, Valin, Tribune of Tyraturos and Kallien.

As I expected, Daeris, Lashul and Shuri'dil registered for the archery competition. I was hoping Daeris or Lash would defeat the drow. Kal had to excuse himself but said he would return shortly and he did. He would not participate due to personal reasons but gave me the entry fee. I was pleased and shocked and immediately gave Neb'tha the fee. The archery competition would be divided into accuracy and might. I doubted I would fair well in the might but had a fair chance in accuracy.

The rules were relatively simple and we would be using bows and arrows provided by the Tharchioness to make the competition more equal. Before the contests began the Tharchioness gave the reason for the tournament and proceeded to ask each what bow we would wish. After all received their bows, the rules where explained, The first was to be accuracy. Lashul went first and scored a five, I went next and scored a ten knocking Lash out. Daeris shot next and tied me with a score of ten. The last was the drow who also tied Daeris and myself.
Feeling a bit of pressure and eyes on me, I took a deep breath and concentrated. I scored a 15, Daeris followed with a score of 10 and then the drow with a score of 5. I was in a bit of a shock and turned and smiled to everyone and I could see a grin on Kal's face. The Tharchioness had doubled the purse and I was awarded half, twenty thousand and a gem of attack bonus of the first tier. I bowed graciously to the Tharchioness, took the purse and gem, walked over to Kal to thank him. He refused the entry fee back as he was pleased with my performance.

I returned and awaited the might contest. This time we were given composite bows. I doubted I would win but hoped to put a decent showing. As the winner of the last contest, I would go first and choose my competitor. I chose Daeris and Lash and the drow went first. Lash won leaving him to compete with either myself or Daeris. Daeris and I took our places and waited. At the signal we proceeded and as I thought Daeris won. I was glad I lost to her rather than the drow. The contest between Lash and Daeris would be interesting. Daeris won but barely.
I grinned widely at Daeris. In addition to the gold, Daeris received a gem of might of the first tier.

The thrown competition was next but I declined. After the contestants entered it was discovered that not all could use axes, so I suggested it be divided into axes and slings. After a few moments the Tharchioness agreed as did those present. Valin and Hirt would be in the axe competition and Petra and Daeris the slings.

People were betting that Hirt would win but in a surprise twist Valin won the axe throwing. Valin's prize was five thousand gold and a Thunderbeast axe. Petra and Daeris were up next. Again a close contest, but I think because Daeris uses a bow, it enabled her to score quicker thus won the sling competition. She received five thousand gold and a bag of bullets of smiting.

All in all it was a good event. I just wonder what the final event will be when the tournaments completed and all the winners gather."

Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

Messages In This Thread
Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 04-15-2014, 04:59 PM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 04-18-2014, 11:37 AM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 04-22-2014, 12:19 PM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 05-07-2014, 05:51 PM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 05-21-2014, 07:03 PM
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Some New Friends - by Animayhem - 10-30-2014, 02:38 PM
Reflections - by Animayhem - 02-03-2015, 11:51 AM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 10-29-2015, 07:11 PM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 11-15-2015, 01:07 AM
RE: Reminisces of Rimeth - by Animayhem - 11-30-2015, 03:57 PM

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