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04-15-2014, 04:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2014, 11:52 AM by Animayhem.)
" Goddess, in your name why? How did I displease you to find myself here... in the human world?"
The beautiful moonelf had cried out in high elven. She awoke sitting up in her bed in her room at the Red Trident and quickly looked about. She was no longer in a cave but in a small room. As she began to calm her self, she spotted a book, quill and ink on a chair. As a child she had kept a book of observations.
Rimeth thought to herself, that if she were to keep her wits and sanity about her, she would write again.
Although she was fluent in common, she decided to write in style of high elven.
" It seems I am not the one in this recent span of days to have arrived in the manner as I have. I ran into a few elves who arrived a day before me. One seems to be a wood elf the other two may be sun elves. We hav eade a pact to try and stay together and help each other survive this cruel place.
I thank the Goddess I met them as they helped me kill a slaver who was hunting me. We shall see how long our alliance shall last and how long we can avoid the collar."
Feeling somewhat relieved she closes the book and puts it and the quill and ink in a pouch and heads out to meet the others.
((ooc unless mentioned otherwise it will be assumed she is in her room writing entries.))
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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Joined: Jun 2011
"Thank the Goddess I am through with that man they call the beggar. I was told by the wizard who was my "savior", to seek him out upon my arrival. I thought maybe it was just a name as I heard humans have odd ways of referring to people of importance. I was wrong. The man literarily was a beggar. He was filthy, dressed in rags, unwashed and surround by flies. I tried to stay downwind of him as we Elves have keener senses than humans.
The jobs were mainily running around Tyraturos delivering letters to various people. I did have to go to the catacombs for an item as to buy it would have been more gold then I had. Luckily I had some others to assist me. I eventually will make it to Bezantur as I was instructed to see a woman at the library at the citadel.
I have also learned that many temples are in Bezantur which will give me an opportunity to learn more about non-Eleven races."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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04-22-2014, 12:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2014, 06:17 PM by Animayhem.)
" I finally have met some more Elves and we have promised if about to stay together to try and survive in this harsh land.
They did help me finish the beggar's tasks quicker. Yet I know we will not always be together and am working on trying to stay alive even when alone.
Scion- a male wood elf of Silvanus. He seems quite grounded. He is persuing both the Druidic arts and the monastic arts.
Nailo- a female sorceress, possibly a sun elf. On the surface she seems to feign shyness but in fact a shrewd business woman as she now has a home and a merchant. I have forgotten whom she follows but I will ask her again.
Corvain- a male battle cleric. Well dressed and displays the typical Elven aloofness.
He follows Corellon Larethian.
Coin- a male of a rougish nature. Likes to remain quiet and in the background.
He shows promise in the shadow arts.
Daeris- a female elf and follower of Mask. She has been here the longest. Coin could learn from her. We all could learn from her actually."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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05-07-2014, 05:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2014, 10:31 AM by Animayhem.)
" In addition to Elves, I have met some others who seem interested enough in helping newer arrivals.
Maera- a human female and cleric of Selune who could be concidered a sister to my own goddess Sehanine Moonbow. She was not only generous in showing me her goddess temple but also gave me some supplies as well as fees to pay off slavers.
Hirt- a half orc male and sergeant of the High Thay legion. From his speech and mannerisms, it is clear that he has been greatly influenced by his human side. He has been helpful as knowing my interest in learning about human gods, he took me to the city known as Bezatur.
Vrog- another half-orc male and follower of Malar. Like Hirt he identifies more with his human half than orc. He too has promised to help if he can.
Kallien- a human male ranger who follows Silvanus and is also a merchant. He also is fluent in Elven and has a home in the Spiritied Forest and said one day he may take me there and to the Sunrise Mountains.
Neb'tha- a Mulhondari , sergeant of the Pyrados Legion. He is of Helm and also a practioner of the monastaric arts. Although emiting a slight reserved air about him, he seems one who would hlep if need be.
Ingebord- a human female and legionnaire of the Priador. She seems quite dedicated and focused on being the best soldier.
Garic- a human male and a Lieutenant in the Priador. He seems just as dedicated as Inge, just not so loud. He too has offered his assitance.
It will be interesting to see how often I wll be interacting with those I have met and will be meeting in the future."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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Joined: Jun 2011
((ooc it can now be assumed Rimeth is writing from her home in Bez.))
Still unable to believe her good fortune, Rimeth opens her book and writes.
" Since my arrival here, I have been thinking over how I can survive in the human world. I knew I did not want to be a cleric or a soldier nor a slaver. Today, I believe, with the intervention of My Goddess, my path has been selected.
I had seen Timir's advertisement about his shop. Having had all my good stuff taken from me, prior to my arrival here, I was in need of some basic items.
By coincidence or fate I happened to meet him in Bezantur south market.
He took me to his shop which also happened to be in his home. He was a follower of the god Ilmater however recently he felt that he needed to return to Parth. Others were there as well to look at his wares including a cleric of Waukeens named Petra whom I recently met. He said that he was going to return home nad not come back. Anyone of us could of had the house and merchant but the others were not interested.
I had been concidering the possibility of being a merchant and I had planned to own a home in the future. I decided to take the risk knowing I could always sell the home or decide to no longer be a merchant. I would also be my own person, still independent to take whatever tasks I felt. The only requirement would be to make sure I had enough gold to pay my taxes. After the others left Timir and I began the transfer process. First the house title and gold in the vault. Then we sat down and talked to the merchant to decide how to proceed. Timir had had the merchant in the house, I did not want that. After careful negotiations, a spot was found in the merchant stall in Bezantur south market, a common enough stop over for travelers. It was also close to the house which was near the Rusty Anchor.
After everything was done a sense of calm and peace came over Timir's features. His last act was to return his horse to the stables. With nothing but the clothes he wore, he left for his journey home. I pray to the Goddess he makes it and I look forward to the challenge of having a home and a merchant."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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Joined: Jun 2011
" I had initially gone to the tournament to be an observer as my current account balance would not allow me to pay the entry fee of five thousand. I arrived at the fairgrounds and several were there already.
The Tharchioness Nymia Focar was there to preside, Neb'tha Badru was beside her and would be collecting the fees and holding the money.
Others present were people I knew and recently met. They were Shuri'dil that damnable drow, Daeris, a recent acquaintance Petra Galambos a follower of Waukeen, Lashul the mysterious elf, Hirt the ever helpful half orc, Valin, Tribune of Tyraturos and Kallien.
As I expected, Daeris, Lashul and Shuri'dil registered for the archery competition. I was hoping Daeris or Lash would defeat the drow. Kal had to excuse himself but said he would return shortly and he did. He would not participate due to personal reasons but gave me the entry fee. I was pleased and shocked and immediately gave Neb'tha the fee. The archery competition would be divided into accuracy and might. I doubted I would fair well in the might but had a fair chance in accuracy.
The rules were relatively simple and we would be using bows and arrows provided by the Tharchioness to make the competition more equal. Before the contests began the Tharchioness gave the reason for the tournament and proceeded to ask each what bow we would wish. After all received their bows, the rules where explained, The first was to be accuracy. Lashul went first and scored a five, I went next and scored a ten knocking Lash out. Daeris shot next and tied me with a score of ten. The last was the drow who also tied Daeris and myself.
Feeling a bit of pressure and eyes on me, I took a deep breath and concentrated. I scored a 15, Daeris followed with a score of 10 and then the drow with a score of 5. I was in a bit of a shock and turned and smiled to everyone and I could see a grin on Kal's face. The Tharchioness had doubled the purse and I was awarded half, twenty thousand and a gem of attack bonus of the first tier. I bowed graciously to the Tharchioness, took the purse and gem, walked over to Kal to thank him. He refused the entry fee back as he was pleased with my performance.
I returned and awaited the might contest. This time we were given composite bows. I doubted I would win but hoped to put a decent showing. As the winner of the last contest, I would go first and choose my competitor. I chose Daeris and Lash and the drow went first. Lash won leaving him to compete with either myself or Daeris. Daeris and I took our places and waited. At the signal we proceeded and as I thought Daeris won. I was glad I lost to her rather than the drow. The contest between Lash and Daeris would be interesting. Daeris won but barely.
I grinned widely at Daeris. In addition to the gold, Daeris received a gem of might of the first tier.
The thrown competition was next but I declined. After the contestants entered it was discovered that not all could use axes, so I suggested it be divided into axes and slings. After a few moments the Tharchioness agreed as did those present. Valin and Hirt would be in the axe competition and Petra and Daeris the slings.
People were betting that Hirt would win but in a surprise twist Valin won the axe throwing. Valin's prize was five thousand gold and a Thunderbeast axe. Petra and Daeris were up next. Again a close contest, but I think because Daeris uses a bow, it enabled her to score quicker thus won the sling competition. She received five thousand gold and a bag of bullets of smiting.
All in all it was a good event. I just wonder what the final event will be when the tournaments completed and all the winners gather."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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" Naturally as an Elf and one with arcane abilities, I need to be less noticeable than others. Though some would say that's a moot point considering I have a home and merchant. Well, I do pay the fees and taxes and as long as I do I am left alone for the most part, well, except for assassins who never leave anyone be.
A few months before the tournament, an apprentice to a red wizard named Jutta was seeking adventurers to acquire spell components for her master. I along with others received a raven saying if we were interested to meet at a place called the Decent Drink. Not having anything better to do, I decided to try and find this place. It was good I was in Tyraturos as it seems that was the location of the meeting place.
A few others were there. They were Hirt, Maera, Neb'tha, the apprentice Khal Ren and Cassae an sister elf who acted more like the apprentice's servant than a free person and also Petra a recent acquaintance.
Eventually we found the meeting place and the apprentice Jutta. As she was making her introductions and surveying those who arrived, a few others managed to enter. One was the half orc Vrogdush whom I knew and an unknown man who later revealed himself to be Sand Ibn- La and a woman who later revealed her name as Kaya. We displayed the messages we received and when we did Jutta revealed what her master sought. He sought two spell components, fallen sea stars and wild Elf blood. Naturally I cringed at the thought and sadly was not surprised that it would be sought. As a few things can be made from pure Elven blood. Naturally everyone looked at me by Jutta said I would not do. The other components although called sea stars where not actually stars but metal which fell
from the sky and landed on the sands of the Alamber Sea. It was also a race as the group who collected their components and arrived at the Golden Dragon in Amruthar would receive an extra reward.
I was getting ready to leave as I would not be apart of anything knowingly harming any Elf. However I did not need to as we were being divided into to groups. I went with the star hunters which included, Petra, Kaya, and Sand. It was decided we would go to Murbant. We arrived and made our plans there.
In talking to the locals, we concluded our best chances would be the sea caves and talking to the man who called himself Captain Sparrow. We decided to speak to him first.
If anyone were to take the tales and descriptions of sea captains as truth, Sparrow was the living proof. He reeked of too much drink and was trying to, as the humans sometimes say, 'to pick up women'. Thank the Goddess Elves were not high on his list. I warily observed and let the others talk. Petra and Kayla were using their feminine charms and experiences while Sand and I looked on. As if trying to impress us as he was a man of breeding, Sparrow reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a lace handkerchief. Unbeknownst to to Sparrow, an item fell out of his pocket which oddly enough looked like a fallen star. As quickly as he dropped it Sand picked it up and put it in his own. To further prevent Sparrow from noticing, Petra and Kaya sat him down on the bench, each sitting next to him.
Seeing he had more or less had a captive audience, Sparrow suggested a game of dice. We were not to enthusiastic at first as it would delay our task. However when he pulled out the fallen star as his stake, we became interested as Sand had one already. After he had set down the star, we all put items in the 'pot' as it was called. We all took our turns at the dice with Sparrow being last. The highest roll so far was thrown by Sand who got a 9. Sparrow stood wobbling from the bench and threw the dice. He got an 8 and we got our items and the fallen star. Knowing time was passing, we made our farewells to Sparrow and headed for the caves.
We entered the caves cautiously not knowing what we would face. The caves were damp but not underwater. After battling the first group I found one of the stars which boosted our hopes. We continued battling our way through the cave and managed to gather all the stars. Stars and loot where not the only things found. I had found portal stones, one for each of us. We debated whether to risk using them or take the caravan. Weary and anxious to get back we decided on using the stones after we got out of the cave.
We arrived at the outskirts of Amruthar and quickly proceeded to the Golden Dragon. Unfortunately we arrived about a minute or so after the blood party. The items were given to Jutta who seemed disappointed and claimed they were ruined because each group had used the stones. A discussion ensued about what should or should not have been done by all those present. However in the end it was determined that the apprentice not we who gathered the items would deal with the consequences. We all took the reward and went our separate ways.
It was quite a learning experience. I felt we did well considering we did not actually work as a group before. I may do it again if circumstances are right."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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" I had another brief taste of intrigue. This was a fact finding mission to see if the Tharchion of High Thay was being honest in his tithing of profits from the gold mines.
The apprentice known as Jutta requested a meeting which eventually was held at Omnipotence Thrune's tower. Present at this meeting- myself, Garic, Daeris, apprentice Khal and his elf Cassae. The trickiest part would be getting through the gates of High Thay however that was made easier as Omnipotence Thrune curiosity peaked I guess decided to come.
The trip was rather uneventful though became a bit tense when we came to a slave master who was looking at myself, Daeris, and Cassae. However between the words of Omnipotence Hazlok and apprentice Khal we managed to not only gain necessary knowledge but were able to continue to the mines.
We entered the mines and told to seek a particular dwarf who would help. Though he seemed to be complete with his information, I guess because Omnipotence Hazlok was there, we had a feeling not all was told.
We met up with Jutta again and relayed what we had found, she seemed satisfied and went to report to her master and we left our separate ways. I believe we were all wondering who her master was. Though I too would like to know, I think it is better in my case to know as little as possible."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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Joined: Jun 2011
" The tournaments were over. The day of the promised hunt-reward for the winners had arrived at the Tyra tournament grounds Not all who arrived had won.
Garic and Ingebord were there representing the Priador legion. Garic had participate din the joust and Ingebord in the melee competition in Eltabbar.Valin represented the Tyra legion and had won the axe toss competiiton.
Daeris represented mask and had one the dart throwing competiton and Mirella was there representing the Unicorn legion and had participated in the jousting.
The hunt was not to be in Tyra however. A snakewoman named Asp was a drill sergeant in the employ of Omnipotence Maligor, whose tower was in Amruthar would relay the details.
The tower like the others was set on steps and a base of rock. However the grounds were populated by gnoll warriros. Some established and some in training. Rumors had be circulating that Maligor was building an army. He was no secret that several time Maligor posted high payment for gnolls captured.
His omnipotence wanted us to hunt down an ancient beholder named Xyldralla which could be found under the Lapendar waterfalls. He would not provide us any aid but would be watching. We bought necessary supplies and formulated battle strategy and headed to the cave.
We faced a wide variety creatures. In between our encounters with Xyldralla who liked toying with us as a cat does with mice. Finally after what seemed like an eternity we defeated the beholder cut out the eye and the eyestalks and returned to omnipotence Maligor.
His omnipotence was quite pleased and as a reward, made us spell items from the eyes on the stalks. We bowed and left and went our seperate ways.
It was quite the interesting adventure."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Posts: 50
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" The temporary time shift was very disconcerting. I think I have a small idea of what seers deal with and why at times they maybe hestitant to reveal what they see.
It was quite irritating at first finding out we had been sent back two years into the past. However you were, well at least I was not actually where I was. Two years prior to my arrival in Thay I was happy with my people in the Sunrise Mountains.
Once the initial shock wore off I took stock of the reality. The memories were not just of what I had lost from being in the mountains but what I had accomplished.
The damned deedmaster lost records so I had no house. Luckily I ran into Timir and as before he gave me the merchant license which I kept safe.
I had to start over again with the damned beggar and then attempting to regain what I lost. I guess knowing what to expect did help me regain things faster. By the time I was ready to purchase a house and reestablish my merchant, time shifted again two years ahead.
As of this writing I am almost back to where I was however I have a larger house, better merchandise in my shop. My major focus now is to try and get my gear back up to level. Very few were aware anything had changed and others like myself seemed to be better off than before.
One thing still bothers me at times, while I remembered mostly everything from the future while in the past, if there was something important that I should of remembered but have not."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander