Relinquish Claim on your Player Houses
So I was unable to reliquish my tower quick enough for Renee and still have the key in my possession, it seems, so it says I no longer own the tower in Surthay. I still have the deed I was given though, but I don't want to use it to reclaim the property until I know the bug has been fixed? I thought if I paid the backtaxes I could reliquish it but.. it won't even give me the option to pay the back taxes.
Played By Me!

Renee - Red Wizard
Kaylessa (Kay) - Priestess of Sharess
Cassae - Fighter/Weaponmaster
Abigail Alill - Sorceress (RDD Serving the LoreKeeper)
Rae Voralt - Bardess (Deceased)
Grace - (Hoars Champion)(Deceased)


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RE: Relinquish Claim on your Player Houses - by Feawen Silimaure - 09-30-2014, 07:44 PM

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