Artificial Intelligence (AI) Testing
After spending a considerable amount of time trying to fix the ‘enhanced’ AI (Artificial Intelligence) system originally selected for Thay, I have decided to remove it and use a different, and hopefully much improved, version that is listed as one of the best on NW Vault.

Unfortunately, AI changes and enhancements are VERY touchy as AI is tied to many, many aspects of the module. Because of the complexity and multiple ‘moving parts’ involved in this significant revision, I would like to spend a day or two (with possibly more days later on, if needed) testing the new AI. This test will involve (1) backing up all the databases and server vaults to be restored after testing, (2) password protecting the server, (3) selecting volunteers who are available or interested in helping test monster, familiar, summons, and other creature AI and, (4) restoring the databases and servervault once testing is complete.

This testing will take place the week of April 13. If anyone is interested and available to help test next week, you may either post here or send me a PM. Those who are selected will be given the password to join the server on the testing days which will be announced. You’ll also receive some instruction on what we will need tested. Higher level and lower level characters testing various monster spawns and using different creature allies either individually or together would be great if we can get that. You can use your existing characters as they will be replaced with pre-test versions after we finishing testing and the current AI module will go back up.

Please note that during this time the server will not be available for regular play and new players will not be able to join. Again, the plan is only to have it password protected for 1-2 days and then we’ll get back to our regularly scheduled gaming.

Messages In This Thread
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Testing - by Balanor - 04-09-2009, 02:51 PM
RE: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Testing - by kta - 04-09-2009, 03:47 PM

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