a slave problem
my main character Aerin is the owner of an "adventurer" slave, however the person who played that slave deleted that character. the problem is that it still lists that i own that person when i speak to the slaver so i am therefore unable to buy another adventurer slave as the limit is one due to the diffuculty of controling these slaves....and i also cannot sell the slave pc as they have to be near the slaver when you want to sell them which is impossible do to the deletion of that character.

problem: owning a deleted PC slave.

expected results: not still being counted as owner upon deletion of the slave.

actual results: not being able to sell the deleted character to clear my slave quota or buy any other "adventurer" slave.

workaround: make sure that character is deleted from the server vualt, and working some scripting magic :)
The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears.
Use the slave shackles on yourself. Declare your Adventurer Slave as a runaway/escaped slave. Problem solved.

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