By default,
Abjuration - opposed by conjuration
Conjuration - opposed by transmutation
Divination - opposed by illusion
Enchantment - opposed by illusion
Evocation - opposed by conjuration
Illusion - opposed by enchantment
Necromancy - opposed by divination
Transmutation - opposed by conjuration
or some change to this module?
edit KTA: Moved to new thread, please keep threads in the Server Features forum clean.
Abjuration - opposed by conjuration
Conjuration - opposed by transmutation
Divination - opposed by illusion
Enchantment - opposed by illusion
Evocation - opposed by conjuration
Illusion - opposed by enchantment
Necromancy - opposed by divination
Transmutation - opposed by conjuration
or some change to this module?
edit KTA: Moved to new thread, please keep threads in the Server Features forum clean.