Arizima Haphet
In a far, far away hot, arrid land with wind swept hills and a scorching sun in the unapproachable east, a dusty old cave filled with Giant Spiders and Ettercaps gives temporary all be it risky shelter from the burning sun. Resting on an elevated makeshift platform sits a tatty old tome, covered in dust with yellow pages as worn as an old crones face, the leather bound book with an unremarkable cover contains a journal.

Month six, day sixteen. I met a man known as the Deathdealer, the overlord of the faith of Cyric, he has a list he checks frequently, I suspect this is some sort of enemy list of the church, I overheard his name to be Djed, he seems respectful enough if treated with equal respect, but I am unsure if he can be entirely trusted.

I also met a woman called Krise or Karise? I do not remember, she has a bear for an animal companion, she seems kindly, she allowed me to rest in her room in the champions inn.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month eight, day six. Tobias a man who insists on being refereed to as 'meat', helped me retrieve Lich Dust from the catacombs of Tyraturos, whatever could the beggar want with Lich Dust I cannot imagine.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month nine, day thirteen. I met a woman named Shana, Tobias asked her to accompany me into the catacombs. She quickly helped me find a scroll I was tasked to find, a Lesser Dispel scroll, I am convinced the beggars employer the more I work for the beggar the more I am convinced that whoever he works for must be some sort of wizard of sorts. Shan told me of the city of Eltaber, and of the Red Hall where she says a beautiful display of magic can be seen although she didn't go into any real details. She also warned me that it is illegal to own a map of Eltaber, punishable by death.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month ten, day six. I spoke with Shana again, we ate and drank in the Caravanserai in North Bezantur, she told me of the home she has purchased in Eltabbar, she has named it the House of the Flaming Sword, she intends to run it as a small inn, within she maintains a small shrine to Tempus, it is located on the road to the west gate next to the Orcs Beard. I told her that I would like to visit in the not too distant future. I am curious.

I asked Shana where I might find a trinket a 'Chime of Interruption', she suggested a temple in Murbant, or the wizard merchant in Tyraturos. She has promised to tell me if she sees another for sale.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month nine, day thirteen. I met a woman named Shana, Tobias asked her to accompany me into the catacombs. She quickly helped me find a scroll I was tasked to find, a Lesser Dispel scroll. I am convinced the beggars employer must be some sort of wizard of sorts. Shana told me of the city of Eltaber, and of the Red, Hall where she says a beautiful display of magic can be seen although she didn't go into any real details. She also warned me that it is illegal to own a map of Eltaber, punishable by death, can this be true?
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month ten, day six. I spoke with Shana again, we ate and drank in the Caravanserai in North Bezantur, she told me of the home she has purchased in Eltabbar, she has named it the House of the Flaming Sword, she intends to run it as a small inn, within she maintains a small shrine to Tempus, it is located on the road to the west gate next to the Orcs Beard. I told her that I would like to visit in the not too distant future. I am curious.

I asked Shana where I might find a trinket a 'Chime of Interruption', she suggested a temple in Murbant, or the wizard merchant in Tyraturos. She has promised to tell me if she sees another for sale.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month ten, day twelve. I purchased three scrolls, Ray of frost, Electric Jolt, and Light for five, twenty four, and eighteen talons, the room I rented for the night was three talons. It cost twenty five talons in materials to produce each scroll. I proceeded to sell the scrolls to a merchant and was offered only one, three and two talons for each scroll. My first attempt at mercantilism was a resounding disaster. I'll need to be more skilled if I continue to do this in the future I suppose it's a matter of planning and patience I will ponder this more in the future.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month ten, day twelve. I traveled to the run down part of Bezantur just passed the north district of the city and where I encountered a lone thug, I seized the opportunity to subdue him and take him as a slave, something went awry and the slave broke free from my grasp, he attacked a large man by the name of Khreed Maurthan a devotee of Tempus who happened to wander by. The man easily dispatched him, the thug happened to posses a magical rod of Ultravision, so the encounter was not a complete waste of time and effort.

My second attempt at acquiring a slave was a resounding success, I subdued a lone Kobold, small pray in the grand scheme of things, and only worth a mere fifty talons, but I have a proven strategy, with a mixture of offensive and defensive spells at my disposal I am confident I can move onto larger more worthwhile stock soon.
Playing: Arizima Haphet
Month ten day thirteen, today I met a hired arm by the name of Mortimer, he wears black leather armour, a beaked helmet, and a cape bearing the symbol of Bhaal. He seems to lack wisdom, and he seems overly jovial, perhaps he is as feather brained as his helmet suggests. I payed him three hundred talons to help me complete a quest, we succeeded but it was quite a trail to complete, we barely made it out of the Bezantur tombs alive.
Playing: Arizima Haphet

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