Ollivarra Sollsivvar (Retiring)
The Monk's Paw, a shop owned by the renowned Gnoll monk Ollivarra Sollsivvar (known as Ollie by her friends) has closed and been abandoned seemingly overnight. Ollivarra herself disappeared without leaving any notice to the public. She did speak to one friend before her departure, but it will be up to that person to decide whether or not to tell anyone of their brief conversation.

Ollivarra's Stats (in case a DM should decide to use her as an NPC at some point)

Female, Gnoll, Monk (level 12)
STR = 17 (+3)
DEX = 18 (+4)
CON = 12 (+1)
INT = 12 (+1)
WIS = 14 (+2)
CHA = 6 (-2)
Hit Points = 108

Discipline: 10 ranks (+3 STR) = 13
Heal: 10 ranks (+2 WIS) = 12
Hide: 13 ranks (+4 DEX) = 17
Listen: 10 ranks (+2 WIS) = 12
Move Silently: 12 ranks (+4 DEX) = 16
Persuade: 5 ranks (-2 CHA) = 3
Tumble: 15 ranks (+4 DEX) = 19

Blind Fight
Circle Kick
Deflect Arrows
Diamond Body
Diamond Soul
Flurry of Blows
Improved Evasion
Improved Knockdown
Improved Unarmed Strike
Ki Strike +1
Monk AC Bonus
Monk Speed
Purity of Body
Still Mind
Stunning Fist
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
Weapon Proficiency: Monk
Wholeness of Body

Personality Notes
Ollie chose to close up shop and leave civilization in order to meditate on wisdom and understanding free of the distractions of city-life and the hassle of running a business. In effect she has become a wandering hermit. Her personal growth toward becoming good, and perhaps one day choosing to follow Ilmater, is what drives most of her motivations. She struggles with the inherent evil of Gnollish nature, but tries to refrain from eating the corpses of sentient foes she kills as she once had before. She has a servants heart, and while she tries to avoid contact now that she is a hermit, she will not either turn away from a direct plea for help from those in need of the medical healing she can provide, or the protection she can offer.

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