Cullen Mard Jorino
Cullen Mard Jorino., known as Cullen to his friends is a young Daeron but one raised in the duty one has to Thay.  He is the son of a Red Wizard in the school of Illusion and a former Autharch of Bezantur, now retired.  

He has inherited the build of his mother standing about 5’11’ in height and more slightly built then his father in weight and broadness through the shoulders. He has his mother's black eyes and the dark brown hair of both parents.  He has also followed in their tradition of shaving his head. 

From them, he learned the necessity of hard work and the duty one has to Thay.  It was as much from his mother's hard work and study passing her apprentice and then master trials, as his father's rise through the ranks of the legion to eventually becoming an Autharch and a noble in reward for his long years of service and hard work.  There was never any doubt in his mind or thought of not serving the welfare of Thay.  Duty and honor were not forced on him but taught by example and family history. 

When at an early age, it was apparent he did not have the inherited talent to be a wizard of Thay, he turned to his father's example.  His father was a follower of the Red Knight and as he grew older, he decided to follow in his father’s service with the Red Knight.   On turning of age, he had the symbol of the Red Knight tattooed on the left side of his face – a Red Knight similar to that of his father's chess set.

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